Archive for December, 2014


December 7, 2014

I am an introvert. I love people, get along well, like the people I work with but I am still and always will be, an introvert. People tire me. I give out energy when I am with others…I get energy when alone.

I don’t particularly like people all in my space. Especially little people. How I have worked in Childcare for 10 years I don’t know ! I am not naturally a hugger. If I hug you, you know I really love you.I get lots of hugs at work from babies and children…and I willingly give hugs to them. And those hugs are energzing…because they are real and genuine. I just don’t like them climbing all over me like I am monkey bars or something. Something is wrong in Childcare if children are so deprived they feel they have to tackle anyone who sits on the floor with them !

I have the feeling this is going to morph into an essay on Childcare……

We are doing children a dis-service by giving them a caregiver who is caring for several other children. . Their little needs cannot all be met. In fact, the MAJORITY of their needs are not met. Yes, they are changed, fed, talked to and monitored for signs of illness. But we cannot be their mother. And their mothers expect us to. They have NO IDEA what it is like to take care of 8 babies with 2 caregivers when 4 of them need to eat, 3 of them need changing and 1 is tackling his fellow classmates right and left.


I am frustrated beyond belief with the requests and demands we receive from parents. And the complaints. FIND A NANNY.My solution. If you have to work…FIND A NANNY. STOP COMPLAINING about CHILDCARE. We do our best.Better yet, come in and work with us for two hours and SEE.

Ok. I am an introvert, but I’m not quiet anymore.

Titles for My Books

December 7, 2014

I want to write two books, one about Childcare and one about my experience with anorexia. I have already thought of titles…maybe they will be all wrong once I get the books written but here goes…



Gilded Cage

The Thinnest

Seeing the Light


Someone Else’s Children

Part-Time Families

Allcare Childcare

I’ve tried to write my anorexia book as fiction but it really is my story so I need to write it as non-fiction.

Childcare I could write as a humorous fiction or serious and telling non-fiction. Haven’t decided.

Need to write…….